The Complete Guide to Therapeutic Parenting: A Helpful Guide to the Theory, Research and What it Means for Everyday Life

  • ISBN 9781787753761
  • Author: Mitchell, Jane
  • Publ Date: 2020-11-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This is the go-to guide for practitioners, parents and carers who want to expand their understanding and skills for therapeutic parenting - a deeply nurturing parenting style particularly effective for children who have experienced trauma or adversity.

It provides an easy to understand explanation of the latest theory and research in trauma and neuroscience, and explains how these relate to everyday parenting strategies. It provides clarity on complex areas, such as early developmental trauma in children, and insights into key challenges, including managing transitions, sibling relationships, challenging behaviour, the teenage years, and how to find time and space for self-care.

With experience, professional expertise, and text features to aid learning throughout, this book is the one-stop shop for everyone wanting to truly understand every aspect of therapeutic parenting and trauma.
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