The Complete Guide to Relieving Cancer Pain and Suffering

  • ISBN 9780195312027
  • Author: PATT
  • Publ Date: 2007-04-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Dr. Richard B. Patt, one of America's leading cancer pain experts, teams up with science writer Susan Lang to produce a much-needed, sensible handbook for patients and caregivers on all aspects of cancer pain. The authors illuminate the reasons why patients are so often undermedicated, including unfounded fears of addiction, patients thinking they need to tough it out, time-consuming paperwork for doctors who prescribe narcotics, and laws that fail to distinguish between drug abuse and the legitimate employment of narcotics. Lang and Patt demonstrate that properly medicated patients are better able to resume active lives and marshal strength to fight their disease - while those in chronic pain not only suffer, but also may jeopardise their potential for recovery. A Complete Guide to Relieving Cancer Pain and Suffering enables cancer patients to make informed decisions about their care and gives numerous, concrete suggestions on how patients and their families can work most efficiently and effectively with doctors.
This volume will be of enormous value to the growing numbers of patients, family members, and health-care professionals who are determined to relieve needless cancer pain.
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