Primer on Multiple Sclerosis 2E

  • ISBN 9780199341016
  • Author: GIESSER
  • Publ Date: 2015-12-07
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Primer on Multiple Sclerosis, 2nd Edition is an updated reference manual for the practicing clinician. It covers the range of information needed to treat persons with MS, beginning with basic science and immunopathology, thorough differential diagnosis, symptom management and disease modifying therapies. This essential book also includes material covering new and experimental strategies as well as a review of commonly used complementary and alternative modalities that are used by persons with MS.Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common demyelinating disease of the CNS and the third most common cause of disability among young adults. The complex management issues that are often present in the care of individuals with MS may demand the participation of health care professionals from a variety of disciplines, although the team is usually led by a neurologist. It is therefore essential for the neurologist to have a thorough grounding in the basic science and clinical phenomenology of MS. In this second edition of Primer on Multiple Sclerosis, the latest updates on therapeutics are provided, including new medications that have been FDA- approved since the first edition.
Includes new diagnostic criteria, as well as any advances made in current diagnostic techniques, e.g. new imaging metrics. Important new information in the basic sciences and pathophysiology of MS is provided as well as newer epidemiologic studies. Treatment algorithms for common symptoms will be expanded, as well as any new guidelines for switching medications for Disease Modifying treatment "failures". The chapter on alternative and complimentary therapies discusses new research on CCSVI. The chapter on legal issues includes information on the putative effect of the Affordable Health Care Act on access to neurologic care and treatments. Finally, there is expanded discussion of progressive forms of MS both from a basic science and treatment perspective.
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