Primer of Biostatistics, Seventh Edition

  • ISBN 9780071781503
  • Author: Glantz, Stanton A.
  • Publ Date: 2011-12-09
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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A concise, engagingly written introduction to understanding statistics as they apply to medicine and the life sciences

A Doody's Core Title for 2017!

Don't be afraid of biostatistics anymore! Primer of Biostatistics, 7th edition demystifies this challenging topic in an interesting and enjoyable manner that assumes no prior knowledge of the subject. Faster than you thought possible, you'll understand test selection and be able to evaluate biomedical statistics critically, knowledgeably, and confidently.

With Primer of Biostatistics, you'll start with the basics, including analysis of variance and the t test, then advance to multiple comparison testing, contingency tables, regression, and more. Illustrative examples and challenging problems, culled from the recent biomedical literature, highlight the discussions throughout and help to foster a more intuitive approach to biostatistics. The companion CD-ROM contains everything you need to run thirty statistical tests of your own data. Review questions and summaries in each chapter facilitate the learning process and help you gauge your comprehension. By combining whimsical studies of Martians and other planetary residents with actual papers from the biomedical literature, the author makes the subject fun and enjoyable.


How to summarize data

How to test for differences between groups

The t test

How to analyze rates and proportions

What does "not significant" really mean?

Confidence intervals

How to test for trends

Experiments when each subject receives more than one treatment

Alternatives to analysis of variance and the t test based on ranks

How to analyze survival data

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