Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer

  • ISBN 9781420052879
  • Author: Lu, Karen H.
  • Publ Date: 2008-08-26
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer: Risk, Prevention and Management fills the need that exists for a book addressing highly relevant clinical issues associated with the new field of hereditary gynecologic cancers. Written with the clinician in mind, the authors will cover a broad range of topics, beginning with an overview discussing clinical relevance of hereditary ovarian and hereditary endometrial cancers. Succeeding sections will provide in-depth analyses of Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer Syndrome, Lynch Syndrome, and other syndromes with gynecologic cancer components, and genetic risk assessment. Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer: Risk, Prevention and Management: is the first clinically focused reference detailing gynecologic patient management issues of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers includes a practical section on genetic risk assessment and genetic testing examines case studies to demonstrate management techniques and decision-making provides detailed discussion of ovarian cancer screening, prevention and risk reducing surgery
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