Essentials of Perioperative Nursing 6th edition

  • ISBN 9781284079821
  • Author: Spry, Cynthia
  • Publ Date: 2016-03-30
  • Edition: 6
  • Binding: Hardback

Sale: $148.70
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Essentials of Perioperative Nursing, Sixth Edition Includes Navigate 2 Preferred Access of Perioperative Nursing, Sixth Edition is an essential reference for new perioperative nurses as well as experienced nurses who need a refresher. Succinct and easy to use, it addresses the basics associated with navigating the perioperative environment rather than a procedure-oriented approach. Ideal for nurses, students, and perioperative nursing staff, it is also a helpful study guide for CNOR certification.

Completely updated and revised, the Sixth Edition reflects the most current research findings, literature reviews, and the latest Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) perioperative guidelines. In addition, it features a greater emphasis on safety, new surgical modalities, and approaches to sterilizing surgical instruments and equipment. Each chapter contains objectives, a lesson plan, study questions, a post-test, and a competency checklist to help organize, assess, and reinforce learning.

Navigate 2 Preferred Access also includes Nursing Exam Review: Strategies and Skills, Second Edition, a unique eBook that presents a 5-step approach to answering nursing exam questions and essential test taking strategies. Accompanying each step in the approach are practice questions, anecdotes from nurses who've passed nursing exams, hints, tricks, and proven guidelines. Also provided are numerous new strategies.
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