Workbook for Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care

  • ISBN 9780323932004
  • Author: Hinski, Sandra T, PHD, MS, RRT-NPS (Faculty
  • Publ Date: 2024-05-20
  • Edition: 13
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Corresponding chapter-by-chapter to Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 13th Edition, this comprehensive workbook reinforces your understanding of the essential concepts and skills presented in the text. It includes the latest NBRC-style questions, case study applications, and analysis-level questions to prepare you to excel on exams. This edition includes a second color that highlights important information, breaks up text, and offers improved usability. Chapters correlate with the text to keep you current, and a wide range of activities engage and guide you through some of the text's more difficult concepts.

Case studies challenge you to apply assessment and intervention strategies and strengthen your critical thinking skills.
What Does the NBRC Say? outlines expectations for credentialing and provides a sampling of NBRC-style multiple-choice questions to help you prepare for the certification exam.
Word Wizard tests your knowledge of key terms to help you master the language of respiratory care.
Meet the Objectives assesses your understanding of the learning objectives for each chapter.
Key Points identify the main concepts that are most important to remember from each chapter.
Food for Thought provides additional thought-provoking questions related to respiratory care topics.
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