The Transradial Handbook: Evidence-based Practice

  • ISBN 9780367721411
  • Author: Nolan, James (Univ. Hospital of North Midlands and
  • Publ Date: 2025-01-15
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $58.70
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Access site techniques for invasive cardiology and interventional radiology procedures have undergone rapidly evolving technological advances, with radial access offering important benefits for patients and health-care systems. This book provides a concise practical guide to the practice of transradial procedures in both specialties. It is a readily accessible source of information that provides evidence-based guidelines from extensive global literature, interpreted and contextualised by experienced and recognised international opinion leaders. It provides an overview of relevant trial data, cannulation technique, catheter selection and manipulation, catheter delivery, right heart catheterisation, and complication management. It offers a comprehensive but portable reference to aid learning for cardiology and radiology professionals and trainees.

Key Features:

Fills a current gap in a growing transradial market with a contemporary approach
Guides cardiology and radiology practitioners and other health-care professionals in optimal performance of transradial access procedures
Draws from the experience of world experts, providing a ready reference pocketbook for easy access
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