Difficulties in Child Development

  • ISBN 9781032906782
  • Author: Chadwick, Mary
  • Publ Date: 2024-11-01
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Hardback

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Originally published in 1928, Difficulties in Child Development was written, according to the author, as 'a response to many inquiries concerning a source of practical information relating to the development and upbringing of little children from a modern psychological standpoint. It also serves to put forward in a simple and direct manner, without unnecessary intricacies due to the unexplained use of the more specialized psycho-analytic terms, views and discoveries made by Freud and his followers, now scattered in many books that have been written upon this subject... and to condense those which especially touch the matter of child study into a more convenient form for parents, teachers, nurses, welfare workers, and others who are anxious to know what advances and contributions have been made towards the understanding and early education of young children during recent years.' Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.
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