Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Integrated

  • ISBN 9781032954028
  • Author: Joshi, Anjali (Welingkar Institute of Management D
  • Publ Date: 2024-12-30
  • Edition: 2
  • Binding: Hardback

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This book offers a comprehensive overview of rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT), a significant cognitive-behavioural approach to counselling and psychotherapy originating from the pioneering work of Dr Albert Ellis.

Within its pages, you will find a detailed exploration of REBT's historical evolution, the framework of ABC (activating event, belief system and consequences); its theoretical and philosophical foundations; and its relationship with various religions, atheism and morality. The therapeutic process and techniques are thoroughly covered, along with the wide-reaching applications in real-world scenarios. One of the book's highlights is the inclusion of multiple case studies focusing on psychological disturbances, representing different categories of irrational beliefs. Through these cases, readers gain a deeper understanding of psychological disturbances and discover possible remedies. Foundational principles such as unconditional self-acceptance, unconditional acceptance of others and unconditional acceptance of life are vividly explained, empowering readers to grasp these concepts and their potential for personal growth. Moreover, this book serves as a comprehensive reference, encompassing major contributions to REBT theory and research both from the past and recent developments. The second edition of this book, updated and revised, presents the latest advancements in the field, ensuring that readers are up to date with REBT knowledge.

It provides a valuable resource for those seeking to explore and understand the intricacies of REBT. Whether you are a student, practitioner or simply curious about the field of counselling and psychotherapy, this book offers a wealth of knowledge and insights into the theory and practice of REBT and its transformative potential in promoting psychological well-being and resilience. In this latest edition, readers discover new-age topics like the application of REBT in sports and exercise, REBT group therapy, the role of low frustration tolerance in addiction and much more.
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