Consciousness and the Unconscious

  • ISBN 9781032934815
  • Author: Archard, David
  • Publ Date: 2024-12-20
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Hardback

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Originally published in 1984, Consciousness and the Unconscious deals with the concept of 'the unconscious' as originally defined by Sigmund Freud, and as subsequently developed, defended and criticized in continental writing at the time. It starts by describing the institutional context in which psychoanalytic theory developed, and the philosophical context which it met, and goes on to discuss Freud's own understanding of the term 'unconscious'. This is followed by an account of Sartre's influential critique of Freud. In the central chapters of the book, the principal relevant ideas of Lacan, and his pupils Laplanche and Leclaire, are introduced, and the author shows how these overlook an important aspect of Freudian ideas, and rest on an incoherent theory of language and meaning. Finally, the important but neglected critique of Freud by the Italian Marxist Sebastiano Timpanaro is analysed. The conclusion summarizes the resulting problems facing Freud's notion of 'the unconscious'.

All technical terms are explained at first use, and the author excels at making complex ideas accessible. This is an ideal introductory text for students who need a concise guide to ideas about 'the unconscious'.
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