A Shimmering Landscape: The Imaginative and Actual in Psychic Life

  • ISBN 9781032889900
  • Author: Goldman, Dodi
  • Publ Date: 2024-12-19
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Acclaimed Winnicott scholar Dodi Goldman offers an intriguing account of the psyche's work of imaginative elaboration.

Why does the world feel one way when we are imaginatively alive to it and quite another when we are not? How does one both imagine and see things as they are? What happens when we cannot do so? This book creatively explores the interplay between the imaginative and actual in psychoanalysis and life. Each chapter centers around an evocative visual image-a prehistoric figurine, a Hindu lithograph, an Italian etching, an Inuit statue, a painting by Magritte, and more-to reveal unexpected connections and novel insights into what enlivens experience to make the personal landscape shimmer.

With a fresh and delightfully playful approach, this volume is essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, humanities scholars, and anyone curious about the fragile alliance between the imaginative and actual in human experience.
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