• ISBN 9780357936849
  • Publ Date: 2024-04-12
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Developing your interpersonal skills and establishing your brand as a professional early in your academic career will directly affect your future success. With its unique, interactive worktext format, Colbert/Katrancha's CAREER SUCCESS IN HEALTH CARE: PROFESSIONALISM IN ACTION, 4th Edition, helps you sharpen your interpersonal skills to showcase yourself as a top-performing student as well as a top-quality job candidate. Drawing from their many years of teaching, clinical experience and conducting workshops concerning the behavioral domain, the authors deliver a worktext packed with real-life examples, clear direction and step-by-step assistance in assessing your current state of professionalism and creating effective action plans for improvement. Equipping you with both academic and life skills, the text helps you reach your full potential.
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