Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction Manual

  • ISBN 9781032942582
  • Author: Shear, Neil H. (University of Toronto, Canada)
  • Publ Date: 2025-01-20
  • Edition: 31
  • Binding: Hardback

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Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction Manual is a succinct reference to give clinicians the essential information for an informed decision about patient management.

The full database from which the manual is derived - Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction database; - currently holds over 1840 drug profi les with over 73,700 documented drug reactions, as evidenced by over 158,000 references on PubMed, and is internationally relied upon by medical practitioners for its unparalleled focus on adverse effects and cutaneous reactions.

This edition:

Provides documentation of adverse reactions to the 1500 most consulted drug and herbal profiles
Gives clinicians managing patients with many different medications a route to making an informed decision about problematic reactions
Offers clinicians a one-stop reference for the essential information about a drug

As a special offer for this 31st edition, a 12-month free access is offered to personal buyers of a new print copy of this edition in 2025; please contact the publishers ( with documented purchase of a new print copy of the 31st edition in 2025.


A to Z listing of the 1500 most consulted drug and herbal profiles (including supplements, vaccines, and botanicals), including generic name and trade names; pharmaceutical company; indications; half-life; and pregnancy category
Descriptions of important adverse reactions
List of drugs that cause important adverse reactions
List of main classes of drugs
27 tables showing reactions of members of a class of drugs (such as antiarrhythmics or topical corticosteroids), enabling clinicians to see at a glance whether a reaction is common to all drugs included in that class, or to a majority of them, or is known in only a handful-information that is critical for an informed decision to change drugs within the same class
A genetic table showing reported genetic associations with cutaneous adverse drug reactions
A concordance of synonyms and trade names for ease of cross-reference
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