Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing

  • ISBN 9780443245237
  • Author: Williams, Patricia A., RN, MSN, CCRN (Nursing Inst
  • Publ Date: 2025-03-03
  • Edition: 7
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Learn the basic concepts and fundamental skills that LPN/LVNs need in current practice! Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, Seventh Edition, prepares you for nursing practice in a variety of care settings, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, medical offices, clinics, surgery centers, and home care agencies. Illustrated, easy-to-read guidelines provide a thorough understanding of the nursing process and problem solving, addressing topics such as the physiologic and psychosocial needs of the patient, critical thinking and clinical judgment, communication, collaboration with the health care team, patient teaching, and cultural competence. Ideal for LPN/LVN programs with a concept-based curriculum, this text prepares you to pass the Next Generation NCLEX-PN (R) Exam and succeed in any care setting.

NEW! Thoroughly updated content reflects the latest research, evidence-based practice, and guidelines
NEW! Sexuality and Patient Care chapter provides vital up-to-date information for providing socially competent care
NEW! Additional and updated photos and illustrations show essential skills and procedures
Nursing process framework features the application of the nursing process and nursing care plans, reinforcing application of the nursing process in the clinical setting
More than 20 nursing care plans illustrate each step of the nursing process and include clinical judgment questions
Concept maps help you visualize concepts addressed in the text and show how a condition or response can affect more than one body system, relating to symptoms, treatments, and side effects
Clear, easy-to-understand writing style makes concepts and skills easier to understand and remember
Get Ready for the NCLEX (R) Examination! section at the end of each chapter reinforces learning with key points, review questions, clinical judgment activities, and additional learning resources
Life Span Considerations: Older Adults boxes highlight changes that occur with aging and how LPN/LVNs can tailor care to accommodate these changes
More than 110 Skills and Steps present step-by-step procedures in an action/rationale format, including documentation examples and Home Care boxes, as appropriate
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