• ISBN 9780170459129
  • Publ Date: 2023-10-24
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Fundamentals of Nursing, Australian and New Zealand 3rd edition, covers nursing concepts, skills and standards of practice for introductory nursing students (Bachelor of Nursing). You will learn the core themes of nursing, including nurse, person, health and environment, as well as how to apply critical thinking skills for culturally diverse populations in a variety of clinical environments. Based on the concepts of research and evidence-based practice, this text not only informs, but challenges you to assess your own nursing practice and apply the concepts you learn in class to real-life, clinical settings. Complemented by the best-selling Clinical Psychomotor Skills: Assessment tools for Nursing by Joanne Tollefson and Elspeth Hillman. A value pack of these two texts is available for you to purchase.
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