• ISBN 9780357456927
  • Publ Date: 2021-05-04
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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An ideal resource for dental assistants and hygienists, Damatta/Singhal/Jennings' MEDICAL EMERGENCIES GUIDE FOR DENTAL AUXILIARIES, 5th Edition, delivers up-to-date information and instruction for effectively handling the most common medical emergencies that may occur in the dental office. It covers basic technical instruction, first-aid techniques, legal concerns, safety procedures, prescription management programs and more. Packed with full-color photos, the text's vibrant new design brings core concepts to life, boosts your comprehension and helps you think critically about key concepts. 'Test Your Knowledge' boxes enable you to assess your progress, while case studies give you practice thinking through real-life scenarios you may encounter on the job. 'Emergency Basics' boxes outline the sequence of steps for recognizing a medical emergency and provide action points to assist the patient.
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