Small Mammals

  • ISBN 9781874545453
  • Author: A. Brown, Susan
  • Publ Date: 1997-04-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Veterinary practitioners are faced regularly with diseases and disorders in a large and ever increasing range of small mammalian patients. The Editors have gathered together contributions from 29 experts, who cover all aspects of medicine and surgery in small mammals including rabbits, guinea pigs, rodents, hedgehogs, ferrets, primates, squirrels, foxes, potbellied pigs, raccoons and many more. The randomised self-assessment format is used to enable the reader to think through each case step by step. Each of the 225 questions and illustrations - colour photos, imaging, charts and tables is followed by a thorough explanation to provide diagnosis and a suggested treatment plan. This book is intended for veterinarians in training, practice and research, breeders.
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