Equine Emergency and Critical Care Medicine

  • ISBN 9781840761948
  • Author: SOUTHWOOD
  • Publ Date: 2014-10-24
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Early recognition of problems by owners, appropriate first aid, and timely referral by field veterinarians improve the chance of survival for horses requiring emergency management and critical care. With a view toward improving patient outcome, Equine Emergency and Critical Care Medicine is written by a team of enthusiastic equine specialists who explore a host of conditions that the equine veterinarian will encounter. Areas covered include:

Digestive, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, urogenital, and nervous systems

Neonatal diseases

Lacerations, wounds, and skin diseases requiring emergency care

Emergency ophthalmological problems


Antimicrobial drugs and nutritional support

Fluid, inotrope, and vasopressor therapy

Sedation and analgesia

Systemic inflammatory response

The postoperative colic patient

Critical care of the pregnant mare and neonate

The recumbent horse

For each disease or condition, the book includes an overview, key points, etiology/pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, diagnosis, and management/treatment. It also provides step-by-step instructions on frequently performed procedures for the emergency/critical care patient. The text features a concise, bullet-point style to facilitate quick assimilation, along with color photos and useful charts and diagrams. Equine veterinarians will find this book an essential addition to their libraries.
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