Canine Reproduction and Neonatology

Canine Reproduction and Neonatology
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  • ISBN 9781591610410
  • Author: Greer, Marthina L.
  • Publ Date: 2014-12-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $134.61
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Winner of Dog Writers Association of America's Dogwise Best Book Award

This book focuses on the veterinarian's responsibilities for managing the problem pregnancy, insemination, collecting, storing and shipping semen, and all of the diseases and vaccination protocols that may involve the bitch and the stud dog. It is also a very practical guide for the non-veterinarian breeder and kennel owner.

The book provides step by step guidelines for husbandry and nutrition as they relate to the bitch and her puppies, an excellent and concise description of breeding genetics and the implications of that knowledge for long term preservation of the breed line, and it focuses squarely on the relationship that must exist between the veterinarian and breeder clients.

This practical guide is the ideal resource for veterinarians as well as for breeders, kennel operators and others with a financial or humane interest in the breeding and maintenance of dogs.
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