The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines for Mental Health Conditions in Physical Illness

  • ISBN 9781394192403
  • Author: Gee, Siobhan (King's College London)
  • Publ Date: 2024-09-26
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Meet the challenges of mental health treatments for the physically unwell with this essential guide

Treating mental health conditions in physically unwell patients presents unique challenges for clinicians and other practitioners. Psychotropic medications, so effective in physically healthy patients, can have disappointing outcomes in the physically unwell, not to mention generating serious possible side effects that can complicate or impair physical treatment plans. Many clinicians face difficult decisions about prescribing for mental health conditions in such cases, and reliable information for them is scarce.

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines for Mental Health Conditions in Physical Illness meets this urgent need with a comprehensive guide to the safe and effective pharmacological management of mental illness in physically unwell patients. Covering a wide range of physical health conditions and comorbidities, the book summarizes the key evidence and incorporates the full battery of potential pharmacological measures. It's an essential resource for any clinical practitioner looking to balance the physical and mental wellbeing of seriously ill patients.

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines for Mental Health Conditions in Physical Illness readers will also find:

Coverage of mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, psychosis, and bipolar affective disorder
Detailed discussion of physical health conditions including cardiac disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and many more
Treatment of complex and frequently encountered clinical scenarios such as restarting psychotropics after overdose and steroid-induced psychiatric conditions

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines for Mental Health Conditions in Physical Illness is ideal for clinical pharmacists, nurses, or doctors who work with mentally ill patients with physical comorbidities.
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