Community Pharmacy Practice Guidebook

  • ISBN 9781260470260
  • Author: Wooster, Jessica
  • Publ Date: 2022-05-13
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Get up to speed on everything there is to know about community pharmacy

Community Pharmacy is a practical textbook providing the tools you need to operate, manage, and advance community pharmacy. The authors have gathered information from practicing community pharmacists to deliver the most salient information you need to know.

This unmatched resource covers everything from operations and fiscal issues to hiring/managing staff and important quality metrics within the community pharmacy practice setting. Delivering authoritative content, as well as hands-on features for building the specific skills you need to succeed, it helps you create innovative solutions to optimize business and patient-related outcomes through clinical and value-added services specific to the population served.


Practice questions at the beginning and end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
Each chapter includes practical application cases to build problem-solving skills related to community pharmacy.
The book includes real-life anecdotes, not just fictional situations, providing a clear picture of how community pharmacy actually works.
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