Clinical Pharmacology

  • ISBN 9780702073281
  • Author: Brown
  • Publ Date: 2018-05-21
  • Edition: 12
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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'The very last thing a drug regulator wishes to be able to say is, like Lord Byron (1788-1824), on the publication of his poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 'I awoke one morning and found myself famous.'

The twelfth edition of this long-established textbook of clinical pharmacology (first published in 1960) continues its fine tradition of balancing science and practice for improved evidence-based drug therapy and good prescribing in therapeutic settings increasingly complicated by intercurrent disease and polypharmacy.

Coverage of all major therapeutic topics by body system.
Introductory sections give brief chapter synopses.
Case studies where relevant.
Covers the needs of the developing world with a focus on practical prescribing and health technology assessment.
Definition, tips, brief explanation boxes throughout.
Interesting histories, etymologies and provenances of terms throughout.
Entertaining footnotes throughout.

Fully updated throughout.
New co-editor: Fraz Mir, Addenbrooke's Hospital and Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge.
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