Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics

  • ISBN 9780071794589
  • Author: Larry A. Bauer
  • Publ Date: 2014-05-01
  • Edition: 3
  • Binding: Hardback

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The most current, hands-on book in the field, Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics The perfect textbook for pharmacy students learning the clinical application of pharmacokinetics, which is the mathematical tools for modifying doages. Students like that each chapter includes sample problems throughout the chapter, with a ton of practice problems at the end. Answers for the practice problems are in the back, but not detailed like the sample problems)

*Changes in the 3/e includes:

*All chapters updated and revised, as needed, including critical new references

*Antibiotic individualization and monitoring sections increases use of pharmacodynamic parameters (Cmax/MIC, AUC24/MIC, Time above MIC) in addition to pharmacokinetic parameters to adjust dosages

*Anticonvulsants section includes 5 new agents (Fosphenytoin, Lamotrigine, Levetiracetam, Oxcarbazepine, Eslicarbazepine)

*Immunosuppressants section includes 1 new agent (Sirolimus),

About the Book

Text focuses on the latest standardized techniques and approaches to patient-specific dosing and provides up-to-date information on more recently moniotored drugs.


Clear, useful coverage of drug dosing and drug monitoring Clear and concise summary of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic concepts

Practical help with calculations and equations

Focus on the latest standardized techniques and approaches to patient-specific dosing

Up-to-date information on more recently monitored drugs

Essential information on drug dosing in special populations, including patients with renal and hepatic disease, obesity, and congestive heart failure

All the information practitioners need on drug categories such as antibiotics, cardiovascular agents, anticonvulsants, and immunosuppressants

Full coverage of drugs such as Aminoglycosides, Vancomycin, Digoxin, Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Theophylline, Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus, and Lithium Student friendly approach to teaching pharmacokinetics--sample problems embedded into the text to allow for students to apply what they are learing..
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