Drug Discovery and Development 3E

  • ISBN 9780702078040
  • Author: Hill,Richards
  • Publ Date: 2021-08-24
  • Edition: 3
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Essential insight into drug development and the pharmaceutical industry

With unprecedented interest in the power that the modern therapeutic armamentarium has to combat disease, the new edition of Drug Discovery and Development is an essential resource for anyone interested in understanding how drugs and other therapeutic interventions are discovered and developed, through to clinical research, registration, and market access.

The text has been thoroughly updated, with new information on biopharmaceuticals and vaccines as well as clinical development and target identification. Drug discovery and development continues to evolve rapidly and this new edition reflects important changes in the landscape.

Edited by industry experts Raymond Hill and Duncan Richards, this market-leading text is suitable for undergraduates and graduates undertaking degrees in pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology, and clinical development through to those embarking on a career in the pharmaceutical industry.

Key stages of drug discovery and development
Chapters outline the contribution of individual disciplines to the overall process
Supplemented by specific chapters on different modalities
Includes coverage of Oligonucleotide therapies; cell and gene therapy
Now comes with online access on StudentConsult
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