A Playful Approach to Restoration Therapy

  • ISBN 9780367458133
  • Author: Frigaard, Nancy
  • Publ Date: 2022-10-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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* Includes practical insights and specific tools to orchestrate a successful therapeutic play environment. * Offers an innovative approach that is both directive and experiential in nature, allowing paediatric clients to work within a framework of choices that make sound clinical sense. * The therapist can observe therapeutic goals being met in measurable ways while learning to work within a structure that leaves much room for creative play. * Introduces four main 'coping characters': Brutus the Blaming Badger, Shilo the Shameful Sheep, Contessa the Controlling Cow and Eddie the Escape Goat. * Arms the therapist with ways to equip and empower children who are some of the most vulnerable and powerless among us.
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