• ISBN 9781305271456
  • Publ Date: 2016-03-27
  • Edition: 8
  • Binding: Paperback

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Fully updated and streamlined to be used more easily within the parameters of several quarters or a semester, INTERVIEWING AND CHANGE STRATEGIES FOR HELPERS, Eighth Edition offers readers an introduction to the knowledge, skills, values, and tools needed by today's professional helpers. The book's conceptual foundation reflects four critical areas for helpers: core skills and attributes, effectiveness and evidence-based practice, diversity issues, and critical commitments and ethical practice, using an interdisciplinary approach that reflects the authors' extensive experience in the fields of counseling, psychology, social work, and health and human services. The text skillfully combines evidence-based interviewing skills and evidence-based intervention change strategies, thus preparing readers to work with clients representing a wide range of ages, cultural backgrounds, and challenges in living.
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