NCLEX-RN Questions amp; Answers Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy! Series?)

  • ISBN 9781496325495
  • Author: Lisko
  • Publ Date: 2016-09-01
  • Edition: 7
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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NCLEX-RN QUESTIONS & ANSWERS MADE INCREDIBLY EASY!, 7th Edition is designed to help anyone preparing to take the RN licensing examination. Students and faculty also use the book as a study guide and practice tests for preparing for faculty-made examinations. The book is divided into seven parts. Part I explains the basics of NCLEX test construction and gives ideas to students about how they should prepare. Parts II to V are designed to support the four major content areas of pre-licensure programs: medical-surgical, psychiatric/mental health, maternity, and pediatrics. Each of these sections contains multiple questions and answers in a side-by-side format. Part VI, "Issues in Nursing," emphasizes content areas that do not easily fall in any of the other sections: management/leadership and ethical/legal issues. Part VII consists of three Comprehensive Tests of varying lengths from 75 questions (the minimum number of items any student taking the NCLEX RN will receive) to 265 questions (the maximum number of items any student taking the NCLEX RN will receive). Throughout the book, the Made Incredibly Easy design, art, and captions help to engage students and present a fun, relaxed, encouraging, and supportive learning experience. Thousands of questions at the application level or above prompt active learning and higher-order thinking. Questions are aligned with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) 2016 RN test plan and are written in the style used on the licensing examination. Other features include the use of all the types of alternate-format questions found on the licensing examination, detailed rationale for both correct and incorrect answers, information about the NCLEX-RN, and study tips. Features: - More than 6,500 NCLEX-style questions (3,500 in the book and more than 3,000 interactive questions online) test your knowledge in all areas tested on the exam. - Reliable NCLEX preparation guidelines and hundreds of test-taking hints and strategies prepare you for NCLEX success. - A handy two-column format with questions on the left and answers and rationales on the right makes it easy for you to test yourself and review. - Complete alignment with the DSM-5 ensures that all psychiatric nursing content reflects current standards. - A full-color design facilitates learning with alternate-format questions appearing in red and graphic and hot spot questions presented with full color photographs and illustrations. - Easy-to-use reference tables and charts for measurements, laboratory values, and heart and breath sounds provide at-a-glance information critical for study. - Feedback from more than 100 nursing faculty and recent graduates across Canada and the United States ensures the most up-to-date practices, highest quality questions, and appropriateness of content. - All NCLEX-RN question types are included multiple choice, multiple response, hot spot, fill-in-the-blank, drag-and-drop/ordered response, chart/exhibit, as well as graphic, audio, and video questions to prepare you for any type of question you encounter on the actual exam. - An accompanying PassPoint trial site gives you an opportunity to practice for the exam in a simulated NCLEX environment.
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