Difficult Cases in Primary Care

  • ISBN 9781846195112
  • Author: Razaq, Samar
  • Publ Date: 2012-07-13
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This concise yet comprehensive guide covers important topics concerning women's health. Using clinical scenarios, the reader can observe how conditions often present in the surgery and understand how they can be effectively managed. Each topic is followed by a self-test question to consolidate knowledge and understanding. The section then concludes with a detailed explanation of how the case should be practically managed. This guide is ideal for candidates preparing for the objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs and General Practice trainees preparing for the clinical skills assessment (CSA) as they will find the structure and question format highly beneficial. Each scenario is supplemented with extended matching questions (EMQs), single best answer questions (SBAs) and multiple choice questions (MCQs) which provide a broader overview of related clinical situations - invaluable exam preparation for any candidate.
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