Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of

  • ISBN 9780323641456
  • Author: Chapman, Demauro
  • Publ Date: 2018-10-03
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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With collaboration of Consulting Editor, Dr. Lucky Jain, Drs. Adams Chapman and DeMauro have put together a state-of-the art issue devoted to long-term outcomes for the NICU graduate. Top authors in the field provide clinical reviews in the following areas: Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Early Childhood; Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at School Age and Adult Outcomes; Behavioral Sequela of Prematurity; Changing Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy in Extremely Preterm Infants; Medical Morbidity and its Impact on Neurodevelopmental Outcome; NEC and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes; Biological and Social Influences Over Time/Chronic lung disease and neurodevelopmental outcomes; Intracranial hemorrhage and neurodevelopmental outcomes; Public health implications of extremely preterm birth: What are we measuring; Looking beyond neurodevelopmental impairment; Long-Term Functioning and Participation Across the Life Course for NICU Graduates; Early diagnosis of treatment of CP; Psychiatric Sequelae of Prematurity and Prevention of prematurity. Readers will come away with the information they need to imporove outcomes for the NICU infant.
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