Integrating Clinical Aromatherapy in Palliative Care

  • ISBN 9781839971600
  • Author: Rose, Carol
  • Publ Date: 2023-05-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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By bridging the gap between conventional medical interventions and complementary approaches using aromatherapy, palliative care nurse and clinical aromatherapist, Carol Rose, demonstrates how an integrated and evidence-based approach can have the most significant impact on quality-of-life in patients with life-limiting illness.

Aromatherapy is already a fundamental practice in many palliative care settings but its benefits remain under-researched and under-represented. Each chapter of this book incorporates a person-centred focus to consider the integration of various aromatherapy approaches for a range of end-of-life symptoms, alongside conventional medical options. The specificity of this approach and the emphasis of empowering patients to be involved in the process of choosing oils and applications, allows for improved results in the palliation of common symptoms.
Integrating Clinical Aromatherapy in Palliative Care has a foundation in research from the patient's point of view. The result is a fresh perspective that prioritises support of patient choices, skilful communication and individualised care, alongside the judicious use of essential oils and other botanical products. Collectively, aromatherapy can completely reframe holistic care to allow for greater emotional, social and spiritual expression.
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