Drugs in Palliative Care

  • ISBN 9780199660391
  • Author: Dickman, Andrew
  • Publ Date: 2012-09-27
  • Edition: 2
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $58.70
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While palliative care has adopted a holistic approach to treatment, medication driven symptom management ostensibly forms the critical aspect of care. Pharmacological therapy can be extremely complex because these patients often have coexisting medical conditions in addition to symptoms caused by their terminal disease. The resulting polypharmacy can be daunting for professionals and can negatively impact on effectiveness of care. Fully
revised and updated, this second edition of Drugs in Palliative Care is a detailed yet concise handbook that will appeal to a variety of healthcare professionals involved in the provision of palliative care
and medicines information. Providing an overview of pharmacology and prescribing advice, it contains over 160 monographs of palliative care drugs, presented in an easy to use A-Z format.
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