Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students

  • ISBN 9781118528020
  • Author: Lewis, Louise
  • Publ Date: 2015-02-20
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students makes the subject of midwifery accessible, informative and motivating, ensuring that it is an essential text for the aspiring midwife!

This resource brings together knowledge from a collection of clinical experts and experienced academics to support your learning and prepare you for the challenges faced in contemporary midwifery healthcare. It presents you with the 'must-have' information that you need concerning both the theoretical and practical aspects of what it means to be a midwife. With extensive full colour illustrations throughout, as well as activities and scenarios, this user-friendly textbook will support you throughout your entire education programme. Fundamentals of Midwifery is essential reading for all pre-registration student midwives, as well as newly qualified midwives.


* Broad and comprehensive in scope, with chapters on: team working; antenatal care, intrapartum and postnatal care; infant feeding; public health and health promotion; perinatal mental health; complementary therapies; pharmacology and medicines management; and emergencies.

* Interactive and student-friendly in approach, with activities throughout.

* Brings together professional and clinical topics in one user-friendly book.

* Ties in with the latest NMC Standards for pre-registration midwifery education.

* Supported by an online resource centre featuring interactive multiple-choice questions, additional scenarios and activities, and links to further reading.
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