A Guide to the Law for Nurses and Midwives

  • ISBN 9781877371561
  • Author: Burgess, Marie
  • Publ Date: 2007-11-15
  • Edition: 4
  • Binding:

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A Guide to the Law for Nurses and Midwives provides students and practitioners of nursing and midwifery with a general introduction to the nature and types of law in New Zealand, and to legislation of special relevance to health professionals. In an increasingly complex professional world it is essential for healthcare workers to have knowledge and understanding of the law and its application to them, both as practitioners and citizens. All the chapters have been updated. Specific changes are: Chapter 7 (Legislation specific to Nurses and Midwives) is entirely new; Chapter 11 (Midwifery practice) has been very extensively updated; two appendices have been added, containing the new 'Scopes of Practice' documents - one for nurses and the other for midwives. The two main legislative changes that have taken place since the last edition was published are the passing of: the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (HPCA Act), which has had extremely far-reaching consequences for the health profession; the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2001 (and its Amendment Act (No.
2) 2005), which has had important consequences in the area of medical misadventure. Other recent pieces of legislation/ regulations that are discussed in the new edition include: the Children's Commissioner Act 2003; the Care of Children Act 2004; the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001 (it has implications for residential facilities and rest homes); the amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act (2001 and 2005); the Medicines (Designated Prescriber: Nurse Practitioners) Regulations 2005.
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