Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention

  • ISBN 9780134522715
  • Author: Jackson-Cherry, Lisa R.
  • Publ Date: 2017-01-04
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Written for courses in Crisis Intervention and Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Vital information for mental health professionals on effectively assessing, preventing, and intervening in crisis situations.

This text provides crucial help for mental health professionals in assessing and reacting to various crises involving suicide, homicide, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, sexual abuse, bereavement/grief, substance use, natural disasters, wars, and terrorism. Included are practical applications to various crisis situations experienced by counselors and first-hand experiences and perspectives from practitioners working in crisis-intervention situations. The text features a comprehensive crisis task model and numerous crisis situations not found in other crisis texts, and it shows the process as a whole through descriptions of crucial information, clinical considerations, and practical experiences on every crisis topic. Thoroughly current throughout, the new edition includes new chapters addressing counselor safety issues, counselor self-care and wellness issues, and new and expanded chapters addressing Emergency Response in the Community and in Schools.

An effective training tool for various mental health professionals in the field, it covers the perspectives and roles of clinical mental health counselors, school counselors, and pastoral counselors when assisting in crisis situations. Similarly, schools of social work, psychology, and criminal justice will find applicable information for how to address crisis situations. Graduate programs as well as upper level undergraduate programs will find the book an ideal text for teaching crisis intervention.
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