A Political Psychoanalysis for the Anthropocene Age

  • ISBN 9781032193625
  • Author: LaMothe, Ryan
  • Publ Date: 2023-09-11
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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A Political Psychoanalysis for the Anthropocene Age presents an evaluation of the politics of climate change and considers how psychoanalysis can contribute to this discourse.

Presented in two parts, the book first uses a psychoanalytic approach to interrogate political-economic realities and their impact on shaping Western political selves in the Anthropocene age. Ryan LaMothe identifies core illusions of the Western psyche and how they shape behavior and relations, as well as how they are implicated in various emotional responses to climate change like eco-mourning and eco-denial. Topics such as political dwelling, sovereignty, political violence and change, climate obstacles such as capitalism, nationalism, and imperialism, and the problem of hope are explored using psychoanalytic and philosophical perspectives. LaMothe then considers the role of psychoanalysis in the public-political realm, as well as how a psychoanalytic political perspective invites reforming the education and practice of psychoanalysis.

A Political Psychoanalysis for the Anthropocene Age will be thought-provoking reading for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists, as well as anyone interested in the politics of climate change.
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