A Lacanian Conception of Populism

  • ISBN 9781032557205
  • Author: Appleton, Timothy
  • Publ Date: 2023-09-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Challenges current understandings of populism as a synonym of hegemony. Considers the work of the main contemporary post-Althusserian thinkers, who generally are also Lacanians, including Laclau (and Mouffe), Badiou, Zizek and Ranciere. Draws out the consequences of this concept for contemporary political theory: the question of how to define 'left' and 'right'; the question of popular enthusiasm and affect; 'truth' versus 'post-truth'; the question of leadership; populism and nationalism; and the relation between populism and political parties.
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