Leading Beyond Crisis: The Five Pillars of Transformative Resilient Leadership

  • ISBN 9781433838033
  • Author: Everly, George S., Jr.
  • Publ Date: 2023-01-03
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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It's hard enough to lead in good times. It's even harder to lead in a crisis.

This book teaches the art and science of transformative resilient leadership, a unique leadership style that aims to identify opportunities in adversity, and uses them to foster resilience and growth.

With over 70 years of combined experience training leaders in business, military, sports, and other high-pressure settings, psychologists George S. Everly, Jr., and Amy B. Athey have garnered unparalleled insight into how the best leaders lead through the worst. This book distills their wisdom into practical, reader-friendly chapters and profiles leaders from classical and modern history who demonstrate the five pillars of transformative resilient leadership.

Whether you are a CEO, frontline manager, director, teacher, coach, or other leader, you can learn to seize the unique opportunities afforded by crisis to achieve organizational, community, and personal growth.
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