Leadership and Management for Doctors in Training

  • ISBN 9781846194160
  • Author: Gillam, Stephen
  • Publ Date: 2011-04-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This guide helps undergraduate medics and junior doctors as well as experienced doctors taking on new managerial responsibilities to become effective leaders and managers by introducing both management and clinical leadership theory and practice and the challenges facing medical managers in today's NHS. Despite growing recognition of the importance of leadership and management to doctors in meeting their clinical responsibilities training in medical schools and foundation years remains patchy. This book helps readers to access relevant theory and practice through three key tenets: . You already have more leadership and management knowledge and experience than you realise . Management and leadership are core medical skills . Management and leadership skills development continues over a professional lifetime The book explores how management and leadership can enhance health professionals' individual and organisational effectiveness job satisfaction and careers. Scenarios draw from the authors' real life tales while accompanying exercises encourage readers to reflect on their own experience.
Fully referenced and digestible both in full and as reference resource this is vital reading for medical students junior doctors and those who teach and train them. It will also prove useful to experienced doctors taking on new managerial responsibilities. Related training courses: Leadership and Management: Introduction for Doctors: Offering an introduction to leadership and management principles and techniques to junior doctors (up to ST3 level) this course aims first to help you realise the importance of leadership and management skills within a multidisciplinary environment before coaching you on how to improve your personal effectiveness within your current role.
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