High-Acuity Nursing 6th Edition

  • ISBN 9781292073408
  • Author: Wagner, Kathleen Dorman
  • Publ Date: 2014-11-21
  • Edition: 6
  • Binding: Paperback

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For courses on high-acuity nursing intended to serve undergraduate nursing students, novice nurses, novice critical-care nurses, and home-health nurses. The most focused, up-to-date, easy-to-understand guide to high-acuity nursing in all care settings. High-Acuity Nursing, Sixth Edition brings together the knowledge needed to care for adult patients with complex conditions and unpredictable outcomes, across settings ranging from critical care to high-skill long-term facilities. It makes critical pathophysiological concepts clinically applicable to high-acuity patients; enhances students' clinical decision-making skills; provides extensive and immediate feedback; and supports self-paced learning. This tightly focused guide has been substantially reorganized to reflect faculty and student feedback. This edition adds bulleted chapter summaries; NCLEX-style posttest items; updated Emerging Evidence boxes; coverage of oncological emergencies, hypertensive crises, and acute aortic problems; adult doses in Related Pharmacotherapy boxes; and a brand-new chapter on complications associated with metabolic stress response.
Teaching and Learning Experience This book is designed to help learners rapidly gain mastery and confidence. It provides: *Focused coverage of topics specifically related to high-acuity nursing: Helps learners gain command of crucial content without ever feeling overwhelmed by its volume and complexity *Links pathophysiological principles and clinical care: Helps learners translate pathophysiological principles into care decisions, and understand the rationale for those decisions *Learner-focused "active learning" with strong pedagogical support: "Chunks" complex information into small, discrete sections, provides quizzes after each section to ensure mastery, and offers extensive pedagogical support for more effective study
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