• ISBN 9780357510087
  • Author: MCWAY
  • Publ Date: 2021-02-23
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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As technology, legislation and industry practices continue to rapidly evolve, the health information management profession has become increasingly dynamic, complex and essential. McWay's TODAY'S HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH, 3rd Edition, helps you master the fundamental principles and cutting-edge practices required for success in this high-demand field. Reflecting the latest trends and best practices, the third edition includes new coverage of HIM careers, informatics, data privacy, the digital divide and digital literacy, data sets, information systems, CRISPR, assistive technology, the role of de-identified data and much more. New online and distance learning resources are also available. It's an ideal resource for aspiring technicians and managers as well as HIM professionals working toward a degree or certification.
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