• ISBN 9781111540302
  • Publ Date: 2012-08-29
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Gradually immerse yourself in the science of public health while learning about cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and infectious diseases, and more. The first half of the book focuses on basic concepts in epidemiology, such as its history and integration into public health, disease occurrence, data sources, accuracy, and study design. Delving into high impact diseases and conditions, the second half guides you through the distribution and determinants of disease, including those of developing countries, while you gain a global perspective. BASICS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY: THE DISTRIBUTION AND DETERMINANTS OF DISEASE IN HUMANS, 1st Edition was written for readers with no prior knowledge of epidemiology, and includes useful online references, basic math resources, real-world problems, and an optional supplement package* for better, faster comprehension! CourseMate includes an interactive eBook, interactive learning tools, including Quizzes, Flashcards, Videos, and more.
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