Foundations of Nursing Practice: Fundamentals of Holistic Care

  • ISBN 9780723436614
  • Author: Chris Brooker
  • Publ Date: 2013-01-22
  • Edition: 2
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This second edition of Foundations of Nursing Practice has been revised and updated specifically to meet the needs of nursing students in all fields of practice The book explains how and why sensitive, safe, evidence-based holistic nursing care is carried out, including topics common to all fields of practice. Core nursing skills are emphasised to reflect the importance of clinical skills as well as the underpinning theory.

Aids to learning in each chapter:

Learning outcomes
Interactive boxes for all age groups and fields of nursing practice
Key words and phrases for literature searching
Useful websites, references and further reading.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to nursing that will meet the needs of students, nurses returning to practice, mentors and other registered nurses.

Relevant to all branches of nursing settings: infants, children, adults, pregnant women, older people and people with a learning disability or mental health problems

Themes relevant to all stages and fields of nursing practice include safety, infection prevention and control, managing stress, communication, managing wounds and pressure ulcers, and dealing with loss

Scenarios develop the skills of evidence-based practice, critical thinking, reflection and health promotion, and encourage further learning

The areas of psychology, sociology, physiology and pathology are clearly related to nursing practice

Key principles of health promotion, the law and ethics, the human lifespan and development are explained in earlier chapters, then applied in later chapters

Cultural diversity information helps with understanding the needs of people from different backgrounds

Person-centred approach encourages problem solving and application to practice

Evidence-based practice is explicit throughout, and best-practice guidelines underpin exploration/explanation of nursing care.
Easy-reference Glossary at the back of the book.

Meets the requirements of the new pre-registration nursing curriculum including the NMC (2010) competencies and Essential Skills Clusters
Greater emphasis on safeguarding vulnerable people, maternal health and first aid
Self-test questions with answers available on accompanying website.
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