Essentials for Nursing Practice - Text and Adaptive Learning Package

  • ISBN 9780323322065
  • Author: Potter, Patricia A, R.N., PH.D. (Research Scientis
  • Publ Date: 2014-10-31
  • Edition: 8
  • Binding: Kit

Sale: $195.62
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Corresponding chapter-by-chapter to Essentials for Nursing Practice, 8th Edition, Elsevier Adaptive Learning combines the power of brain science with sophisticated, patented Cerego algorithms to help you learn faster and remember longer. It's fun; it's engaging; and it's constantly tracking your performance and adapting to deliver content precisely when it's needed to ensure core information is transformed into lasting knowledge.

Please refer to the individual product pages for the duration of access to these products.

An individual study schedule reduces cognitive workload and helps you become a more effective learner by automatically guiding the learning and review process.
The mobile app offers a seamless learning experience between your smartphone and the web with your memory profile maintained and managed in the cloud.
UNIQUE! Your memory strength is profiled at the course, chapter, and item level to identify personal learning and forgetting patterns.
UNIQUE! Material is re-presented just before you would naturally forget it to counteract memory decay.
A personalized learning pathway is established based on your learning profile, memory map, and time required to demonstrate information mastery.
The comprehensive student dashboard allows you to view your personal learning progress.
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