Clinical Supervision Made Easy: a Creative and Relational Approach for the Helping Professions

  • ISBN 9781906254674
  • Author: Ooijen, Els van
  • Publ Date: 2013-10-02
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Clinical Supervision Made Easy is a practical book for supervisors and supervisees that offers the 3Step Method as a guide to effective supervision. This method is not linked to any particular theoretical orientation or philosophy, so it can be applied in any helping context irrespective of the profession of the worker. The three steps are: 1. What does the supervisee need from this session? 2. How can this be brought about? 3. What has been learnt and what needs to happen next? The book is written in a relational, experience-near and conversational style with many helpful examples, suggestions and techniques, based on the author's considerable experience of giving, receiving and teaching supervision. This second edition has been extensively revised and updated, and includes a new chapter on how to use creativity in supervision.
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