Bates' Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking 13e with Videos Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package (Lippincott Conn

  • ISBN 9781975210878
  • Author: Bickley
  • Publ Date: 2023-04-04
  • Edition: 13
  • Binding: Mixed media product

Sale: $234.78
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Bundled with Lippincott Connect, Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 13th Edition is more informative and approachable than ever. By using multimedia content and customizable assignments, this edition strengthens comprehension and prepares you for success in your course. Confidently Perform Accurate, Efficient, and Effective Physical Examinations. Master the techniques for successful physical examinations with the #1 choice for complete, authoritative guidance. This highly regarded text includes fully-illustrated, step-by-step techniques that outline the correct performance of the physical examination and an easy-to-follow two-column format that correlates examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnoses on the right. Lippincott Connect enhances your student experience in an all-in-one learning solution combining an interactive eBook, multimedia content, and assessment. Instructors can customize the course, create assignments, and track your progress. Students maximize efficiency through valuable feedback and remediation. Key performance insights are reported in a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to tailor your learning experiences
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