Step-Up to Family Medicine (Step-Up Series)

Step-Up to Family Medicine (Step-Up Series)
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  • ISBN 9781469864211
  • Author: Ellis
  • Publ Date: 2017-12-20
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $113.48
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Efficiently prepare for your family medicine rotation and exams! This high-yield review book gives you exactly the help you need to succeed on your family medicine clerkship, the NBME Family Medicine Shelf Exam, and the ambulatory component of the USMLE Step 2 CK. -Focus on what you really need to know with chapters and topics based on the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Clerkship Curriculum, as well as content areas of the NBME Family Medicine Shelf Exam. -Succinct outline approach keeps "extra" material to a minimum, focusing on the core content you need to know -Quick Hits" in the margins highlight highly testable topics. -Easy-to-follow algorithms show examples of effective clinical reasoning, particularly for similar complaints. -Includes must-know information on causes, risk factors, history and physical exam, lab studies and radiology, treatment, and complications for the most common diseases and disorders. -Review questions with full explanations at the end of each chapter test your knowledge.
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