Take Charge! General Surgery and Urology

  • ISBN 9781498786041
  • Author: Trevatt, Alexander
  • Publ Date: 2020-05-14
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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As a junior doctor starting a surgery or urology rotation, you are expected to take charge of referrals from - and give specialist advice to - A&E, GPs and other specialties. Often you will have had very limited surgical experience and only an off-site registrar for support. This pocket-sized book provides a quick, reliable reference guide for the initial management of the common surgical referrals, with guidance as to what complaints require admission and which can be sent home for outpatient or GP follow-up. It will help relieve the stressful experience of being on-call, alleviating some of the anxiety and making shifts more bearable.
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