Value pack Human Anatomy & Physiology + Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite CD-ROM + A Brief Atlas of the Human Body Pearson New Internation10th ed

  • ISBN 9781488687983
  • Author: Marieb et al
  • Publ Date: 2015-10-01
  • Edition: 10
  • Binding: Multiple copy pack

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This pack contains 1 copy of Human Anatomy & Physiology Global Edition and 1 copy of A Brief Atlas of the Human Body Pearson New International Edition and 1 copy of Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite CD-ROM Setting the Standard for Innovation in A&P Human Anatomy & Physiology has launched the careers of more than three million healthcare professionals. With the newly revised Tenth Edition, Marieb and Hoehn introduce a clear pathway through A&P that helps students and instructors focus on key concepts and make meaningful connections. Each chapter opens with a visual "Chapter Roadmap" that guides students through the material and shows how concepts are related within and across chapters. The new modular organization makes key concepts more readily apparent and understandable to students, and new videos help students see why the content matters in their course as well as their future careers. As students master important concepts and follow a clear path through chapter content, the expanded suite of learning tools in the book and in MasteringA&P ensure they don't get lost along the way.
Revised for the Seventh Edition, this full-color atlas is packaged with every new copy of the text, and includes 107 bone and 47 soft-tissue photographs with easy-to-read labels. This new edition of the atlas contains a brand new comprehensive histology photomicrograph section featuring over 50 slides of basic tissue and organ systems. Featuring photos taken by renowned biomedical photographer Ralph Hutchings, this high-quality photographic atlas makes an excellent resource for the classroom and laboratory, and is referenced in appropriate figure legends throughout the text. The Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite (IP-10) significantly enriches teaching and learning environments by providing an audio/ visual presentation of complex topics. For use as both a teaching tool in the classroom and a study tool for students, IP-10 features full-color animations and video, both with sound, that thoroughly demonstrate difficult physiology concepts, many of which occur at the cellular and molecular level. Extensive interactive games and Gradable Quizzes reinforce the material.
Modules: Muscular System Nervous System I Nervous System II Cardiovascular System Respiratory System Urinary System Fluids & Electrolytes Endocrine System Digestive System NEW! Immune System
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