Treating Trauma in Adolescents: Development, Attachment, and the Therapeutic Relationship

  • ISBN 9781462536160
  • Author: Straus, Martha B (Martha B. Straus, PhD, Departmen
  • Publ Date: 2018-04-19
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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This book presents an innovative and empathic approach to working with traumatized teens. It offers strategies for getting through to high-risk adolescents and for building a strong attachment relationship that can help get development back on track. Martha B. Straus draws on extensive clinical experience as well as cutting-edge research on attachment, developmental trauma, and interpersonal neurobiology. Vivid case material shows how to engage challenging or reluctant clients, implement interventions that foster self-regulation and an integrated sense of identity, and tap into both the teen's and the therapist's moment-to-moment emotional experience. Essential topics include ways to involve parents and other caregivers in treatment.
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